Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc.

ARSFi (ar-sif-ee)

About ARSFi

The primary purpose of the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation is to provide for the formation, training, maintenance, and testing of volunteer licensed amateur radio emergency services and networks using state of the art communications technology. These services and networks to serve the general public by facilitating emergency, health, or welfare communication in times of disaster or other communications emergencies.

The Amateur Radio Safety Foundation was incorporated Jan 1, 2006 as a non-profit Florida Corporation; Federal ID Number 20-5586920. This corporation is a NON PROFIT PUBLIC BENEFIT CORPORATION and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Non Profit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes. The purpose for which the corporation is organized is to transact any lawful business for which Non Profit corporations may be organized under the laws of the State of Florida, as they may be amended from time to time and under Section 501 (c) 3, Internal Revenue Code.

Your donation to the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation is greatly appreciated
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Software registration supports the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation and future development efforts
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Additional information
Board of Directors    Documents


Winlink (our primary project) is a worldwide system of volunteer resources supporting email by radio, with non-commercial links to internet email. These resources come from Amateur Radio, DHS NCC SHARES, and other volunteer organizations. The Winlink system provides valuable services to emergency communicators and to licensed operators who do not have access to the internet.

Winlink provides world-wide email communications to areas impacted by emergencies. Winlink is a 100% volunteer effort and functions only through your generous donations and the efforts of hundreds of Amateur Radio operators around the world. You can find out more about Winlink by visiting the Winlink web site at 

Organizational Involvement

Some of the organizations that we provide services to:
  • Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)
  • Military Auxiliary Radio System (DOD/MARS)
  • Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES)
  • National American Red Cross (ARC)
  • Southern Baptist Disaster Relief
  • Salvation Army
  • US Coast Guard
  • Many Federal, state and local government agencies, world-wide

Casualty events that have had our participation:

  • Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Dennis, Jeanne, Ivan, Frances, Charley and Isabel.
  • The Asian Tsunami
  • Western US Flood and Fire relief
  • Failure of IntelSat 804
  • Indian Coastal Weather Disaster
  • Chilean/Peruvian Weather Disaster
  • Continual Assistance to US Coast Guard, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, and other countries Search and Rescue authorities.
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